Magnesium N  hair 

        Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral found in body , so it play vital role in body function at the same time it plays the most important  role in process of hair growth ;apart from vitamins,calcium ,the mineral -magnesium is ANTI-STRESS mineral  so it i major component in hair loss problems.

  • person with magnesium deficiency is defined as 'HYPOMAGNESEMIA' 
  • magnesium promotes hair follicle growth,which result in hair growth

Deficiency effect:-

        we  cannot notice at all the deficiency of magneSium at sudden level  , it begin with some stages like :-

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite       

these are common terms symptom shown in early stages   

in some of these several cases

   1.high blood pressure
   2.irregular heartbeat

in this condition  excess amount of mineral  is required to fulfill the requirement of hair follicle

Magnesium  rich foods

  • dark choclate
  • bananas
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Seafood
  • Green leafy vegetables


Magnesium deficiency gives calcium freedom to work randomly ,because small calcium deposits around follicles that causes hair loss
high fat diet inhabits our body's  ability to absorb  which result into proper hair growth
